Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vintage-y Hat-ty Goodness

I don't collect much.  Books, half-used tubes of lipstick, yarn, keys that seemingly have no purpose but like to sit in my junk drawer, and cat toys are a part of my unintentional collections.  When it comes to intentional, though, I have one "collection"-- a slowly growing pile of vintage hats.

So I made a video to share (Whee!):

  • Yes, I babble.  And say UHM a lot.
  • I keep most of my hats in hatboxes,except for the platter hat.  That one makes a pretty wall decoration, too!
  • If you're curious, I always have my hats cleaned before I bring them into my apartment to keep from bringing any unintentional "friends" in with them. After the great carpet beetle invasion of 2010 where a ton of my best yarn was eaten along with my ren-faire bodice (carpet beetles most likely courtesy of my wonderful neighbor who refuses to vacuum even though he has two cats and a dog), I'm wary of anything made of wool that may carry those (or moths.)
    • Where? I went to the Hermes store in my local mall and asked where they advise their clients to take their dry cleaning. These cleaners are pricey but specialize in vintage and designer and they're TOTALLY worth the cost.
  • Vintage hats are great to collect because they really aren't very expensive. Most of my collection ranges from $8-20, with the 1920s cloche as my most expensive at around $90.
  • Yes, I believe in wearing them because hats are meant to be worn!
    • I don't wear my hats in the rain or when it's snowing, though.  They are made of sturdy wool (or some sort of animal hair for the cloche), but there's no need to tempt fate.
I hope you liked this video!  Let me know if I'm not too annoying/babbly for the occasional video blog!


  1. I love those hat boxes almost as much as the hats themselves. (I'm partial to the 1940's styles, they are my favorite)

    I particularly loved the cameo appearance by your cat! Mine would have demanded the spotlight for sure. LOL

    1. The ladies at the vintage shop know that I'm a sucker for a pretty 40's hat!

      I'm surprised Phoebe didn't show more of herself in this video! In version 1 (aka: broken skating camera take), she was in half of the boxes while I was speaking.
