Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wings Week!

To prepare for the release of Destined, the fourth and final book in the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike, HarperTeen is hosting "Wings Week." Starting yesterday, you can read Wings for free for a week.

I don't book blog-- y'all know that by now. I fangirl occasionally about books that I love, but I REALLY have to love them to have them on here. (BTW, these next two months? Dangerous!) Wings is one of those series that I just devoured in one shot last fall and I've been waiting for Destined with bated breath. It may be the sparkle, but... I really do love this series.

Why I love Wings:

1. I was born in August, which would make me a summer fairy. Summer fairies are dramatic and creative. They dress in bright colors and lots of sparkle. They're the dancers and actors and artisans of Avalon. SO ME!!!

Yes, that's tinsel in my hair. I sparkle ALL OF THE TIME.

2. The infamous line that so needs to be on a t-shirt (if you read the book, you know what I mean. If you don't, let me know and I'll hit you over the head with my hardback copy of Wings)

3. Tamani. That's all. *fans self*

In honor of Wings week, I'm reposting the link to my Laurel-inspired makeup look from earlier this month and asking all of my fellow Wings fans to show their creative side, Summer fairy style. Post the link to your Avalon-friendly projects in the comments, if you dare!

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